Tax Preparation & Advisory

Enrolled agents (EAs) are America's Tax Experts®. They are the only federally-licensed tax practitioners who both specialize in taxation and have unlimited rights to represent taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service.

How Confident Are You That Your Return is Accurate?
Could You be Missing Potential Deductions?

10 million tax payers missed out on a chance to get a bigger refund last year simply because they neglected to fill out one line on their tax return. Will you miss a similar opportunity this year?

Today’s tax laws are increasingly complicated and the rules for deductions and credits change year by year. Are you aware of all the deductions and credits that might be available to you this year, even on the most basic of tax returns? Perhaps you feel secure in your do-it-yourself tax preparation software, but let’s face it… There is no substitute for an experienced tax professional who can answer your questions and ask you the questions that might be key to saving you tax dollars.

With my tax return services you get:

 Assurance that your return has been checked and double-checked for mathematical accuracy and errors that are commonly flagged by the IRS, resulting in fewer chances for contact by the IRS.
Tips for better managing your payroll withholding so that you can have the advantage of greater income all year long, rather than loaning that money to the government and waiting for it to come back in the form of your yearly tax return.
Electronic Filing for quicker refunds.

Would You Like to Shrink Your Yearly Tax Burden?

Let me help you with your tax advisory and planning, too!


As an Enrolled Agent, I focus on mastering the nuances of tax law, complex tax codes and staying up-to-date on changes that will affect your tax returns throughout the year.

I do this because I know that planning is the key to valuable tax savings and I want to help you plan for greater income by implementing tax savings strategies throughout the year that will benefit you all year long.

My clients pay the least amount of taxes allowable by law because I help them look for ways to minimize their tax burden.

Let me help you with your tax advisory and planning, too!

Tax Saving Strategies will help you:

  • benefit from the growth and savings of your own assets by keeping them out of the government’s hands.
  • reduce taxes on investments so that you can grow your money quicker.
  • keep more of what you make by reducing your taxed income.
  • defer income in order to keep your money now and pay your taxes later.
  • understand estate taxes and planning so that your family gets to keep more of what you make.
  • give money while reducing taxes to maximize your giving potential.
  • plan for retirement in ways that best benefit you rather than the IRS.

When you become my client, you are paying for a tax advisory and planning services that will pay you back. Most of my clients experience tax burden relief, as well as time saved and peace of mind. My fees are often paid back through the reduced tax liability you will enjoy as part of my planning and legitimate tax savings strategies.

Tax Advisory and Planning isn't just for individuals! 

Small business owners can benefit from advisory and planning services as well.

Identify your business goals.

The best tax planning is aligned with your business goals. Before you start tax planning, spend some time thinking about where your business is and where you want it to go.

Certain types of business goals can have tax implications so it’s best to outline these ideas before putting tax plans in place. For example, you may want to change your tax planning if:

  • Your business is planning to grow and needs to increase spending
  • You plan to purchase property or expensive pieces of equipment
  • You plan to hire additional staff or cut your staff
  • You plan to sell off equipment or business assets

Your business goals are a big part of your tax planning and we will include your upcoming objectives in all our conversations about how best to achieve those goals while minimizing tax liability as much as legally possible..

Let’s face it. The tax code is complicated. As a business owner, you may be able to get a good grasp on the basic best practices for tax planning, but if you want to reap the full benefits of the tax rules and regulations that suit your business, let Lucinda Biette, EA become your professional tax partner.

As an Enrolled Agent, I know tax law and will be able to identify the best ways for you to make changes to your business to positively impact your taxes.

A tax partner may feel like an additional expense, but the expertise I provide can bring more money back to your business than what you spend on my services. 

Tax Problem Resolution*

You’ve got a friend in the tax business. Let me be your go-to for your any tax resolution needs you may have. From IRS wage garnishment protection to helping you get “Innocent Spouse” protection, I have the experience you need.

* For current bookkeeping and/or tax clients only.